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20 Centuries of Church History...
In 90 Minutes or Less!
Church history can be tricky to remember, and oftentimes what we do remember is distorted somewhat or even untrue. Through this high-altitude flyover of the Church's life story, you'll get to see landmark events, significant places, and key disciples of Jesus who lived and died to proclaim the Gospel. Learn how to follow the common thread of a great history that is far too often disjointed and misunderstood.
Length:  90 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  age 12 and older
You Are Not Your Own:
A Vocation Story
From discovering the adventure of faith in college to his experiences around the world as a soldier, a seminarian, a Holy Land pilgrim and ultimately a husband and father, Mike shares from the heart how God has lovingly guided him through thick and thin. The greatest and perhaps hardest lesson of all is the one it has taken him the longest to accept: that his life is not really about him at all! Come hear Mike's story and join in the discussion about vocation - what it is, what it isn't, and how we can all grow closer to becoming exactly who God has made us to be.
Length:  approx. 60 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences
Living the Word of God:
The Life of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was dubbed "Man of the Beatitudes" by Pope Saint John Paul II. In this presentation, Mike unpacks the life of this young Italian man who has inspired countless other young men and women to embrace the adventure of holiness - a life lived in and through Christ. Come join Pier Giorgio in his ongoing ascent "Verso L'alto!" ("To the Heights!")
Length:  approx. 60 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences, high schoolers, college students, young adults, youth ministers and core team members
No Greater Love:
The Story of Bl. Stanley Rother
Mike shares the life of America's first native-born man to be beatified. Father Stanley was a native of Okarche, Oklahoma who gave his life for the people of the St. James Mission in Guatemala whom he loved to the point of martyrdom. He witnessed to Christ's arresting words: "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends."
Length:  approx. 60 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences
7 Steps of Picking a Patron Saint
Patron saints: our guides, mentors, and friends. They inspire us and take us by the hand as we travel along the difficult and challenging road of life. But how do you pick one? In this presentation, Mike suggests an approach that will lead you deeper into relationship with the saints and, above all, with Our Lord.
Length:  45 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  Confirmation candidates of any age, general audiences
Conforming to Christ
Conformist? Conformity? No thank you! That's certainly the world's attitude when it comes to the subject. So how do we face the reality that we are called to "conform" ourselves to Jesus? What does that mean? Won't that completely isolate us in the world? How can we even do it? All this and more!
Length:  approx. 45 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences, high schoolers, college students, adult faith formation groups
Bl. Chiara Luce Badano:
The Suffering Servant of Christ
Chiara Badano was, in many ways, just a regular teenage girl living in Italy in the late 1980s. But suddenly it all changed when she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer when she was only 16 years old. Through it all, her faith and devotion to Christ shone forth like a blinding light. Learn all about Chiara, her faith, and why she is such a wonderful role model for young people today!
Length:  approx. 60 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences, catechists, adult faith formation groups, spiritual directors
St. Francis De Sales:
Doctor of the Laity
How did one man bring over 70,000 people back into the Catholic faith in only a few decades? The answer is actually quite simple: God's grace, deep-rooted humility, and a passionate love and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyday people met Jesus when they met Saint Francis de Sales. Learn more about his incredible witness and how we can still learn from him today!
Length:  approx. 60 minutes plus Q&A
Audience:  General audiences, catechists, adult faith formation groups, spiritual directors


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